Le cimetière « Selridge British Cemetery » est un des trois cimetières militaires de la Première Guerre mondiale situés sur le territoire de la commune de Montay, Nord. Les deux autres sont Montay British Cemetery et Montay-Neuvilly Road Cemetery.
Montay was reached in the Pursuit to the Selle on the 10th October, 1918; and on the 28th and 29th the cemetery was made by the 33rd Division and given the name of Selridge from its position above the river valley. It contained originally 60 graves, dating from the 10th October to the 1st November, the majority belonged to the 6th or 12th Lancashire Fusiliers or the 2nd Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders; but after the Armistice the graves from Neuvilly British Cemetery No. 2 (and one other) were brought in to it. The Glasgow Highlanders (9th H.L.I.), eleven of whose men are buried in the cemetery, erected a wooden memorial in it to their dead of the 12th October. There are now nearly 150, 1914-18 war casualties commemorated in this site. Of these, a small number are unidentified. The Cemetery covers an area of 565 square metres and is enclosed by a low rubble wall. NEUVILLY BRITISH CEMETERY No. 2 (No. 1 was concentrated into Montay-Neuvilly Road Cemetery) was made by the 17th Division on the 1st November, 1918. It contained the graves of 86 soldiers from the United Kingdom (of whom 55 belonged to Yorkshire Service Battalions) and 49 German prisoners. It was a little East of the village of Neuvilly, beside the road to Montay.
1 rue de la mairie mairie
59360 Montay
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