L’accès à ce cimetière est difficile et l'accès en véhicule n'est pas possible. Il y a 2 pâtures et 3 portes à traverser avant d'entrer dans le cimetière. Le poète Wilfred Owen est enterré dans le cimetière communal, rue de la Gare. Ors British Cemetery est l'un des deux cimetières militaires de la Première Guerre mondiale situés sur le territoire de la commune d' Ors dans le département du Nord. L'autre est Ors Communal Cemetery.
Ors was in German hands for much of the First World War but was cleared by the 6th Division on 1 November 1918. Ors British Cemetery was begun in November 1918. It was enlarged after the Armistice when graves were brough in from Chateau Seydoux British Cemetery, Le Cateau, Flaumont Churchyard, Jenlain Churhcyard and St. Python Communal Cemetery. The cemetery contains 107 Commonwealth burials of the First World War, six of which are unidentified. A number of the Highland Light Infantry and Royal Engineers graves are due to the crossing of the canal near the cemetery on 4 November 1918.
rue d'Ouïes
59360 Ors
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